
There are only few geographical areas in the world like the Province of Siena, or “Terre di Siena”. Art is in every place and everything is really beautiful: Chianti, the Val d'Elsa, the Crete Senesi, the Val d'Orcia and Mount Amiata, the Val di Merse with the Montagnola Senese where Sovicille is located. The Montagnola range is the home of ochre-colored “Giallo Siena” marble, one of Italy’s rarest and most prized colored marbles, widely used and know with the name 'Broccatello', adorned with golden nuances.

Sovicille is located only a few minutes away from Siena, which is an absolute treasure, declared world heritage by UNESCO and the land of Palio. From Sovicille you can reach other destinations such as Montalcino, Pienza, San Gimignano, San Galgano, Monteriggioni, Volterra , Florence, Pisa, Lucca and the seaside. The territory of the Val di Merse boasts a rich historical and artistic heritage; churches, abbeys, castles and villas, some of them are; Villa Lechner in Sovicille, the antique churches of Ponte allo Spino and Pernina, the castle of Celsa and the one of Castiglion che Dio Sol Sa (that only God knows), the Villa Cetinale, belonging to the Chigi family in the past, Torri with its abbey and its wonderful and unique cloister, Ancaiano, home of the important architect Baldassare Peruzzi . There are more; Ponte della Pia Bridge is linked to a romantic legend of Pia de' Tolomei noblewomen who supposedly passed over the bridge on her way to exile in Maremma as recalled by Dante in the fifth canto of Purgatory.

Etruscan tombs, medieval villages, Romanesque churches, castles and an extraordinary environment: olive groves, vineyards, fields and rich oak forests, chestnut, hornbeam and cypress trees (the symbol of Tuscany). This is the ideal environment for the 'cinta Senese' breed, undoubtedly an ancient breed of autochthonous pigs, already raised in Medieval times and painted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti in 1338/39 on his fresco 'Effects of Good Government on the Town and Countryside' in Siena’s Palazzo Pubblico.

You can find all the places in the territory of Sovicille also in the application for Android Nice Places. Download it for free from the Google Play Store or visit www.niceplaces.it.
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Associazione Turistica Pro Loco Sovicille
P.I. 01281750529 / C.F. 92033570521
Via Roma, 27 53018 - Sovicille (Siena) - Italy (Mappa)
Lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì, sabato e domenica: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00 e POMERIGGIO: DALLE 16.00 ALLE 19.00 Martedì e giovedì: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00
Tel. +39 0577 314503, +39 0577 1523680 Cell. +39 329 1134619
E-mail: info@prolocosovicille.it
PEC: prolocosovicille@pec.it
Lunedì, mercoledì, venerdì, sabato e domenica: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00 e POMERIGGIO: DALLE 16.00 ALLE 19.00 Martedì e giovedì: MATTINA: DALLE 10.00 ALLE 13.00
Website created byLorenzo Vainigli